”You’ll find these ripening up in hedgerows, woodlands and all over now the bramble is a thorny shrub tumbling and scrambling with its sharp thorns. Its leaves are separated into 3/5 serrated short stalked, oval leaflets.
GeorgeFlavour Fred
They’ve been fruiting since early July for me and we will continue to see ripe fruit until late September. There’s are hundreds of species often intermingling. This is why you’ll find various sizes, fruiting times and variances in shapes of fruit, leaves etc. Only take what you need and respect nature please.
Anyhow a very simple pickle this one. I would refrigerate it by the video method which is equal red wine, red wine vinegar & water boiled with some aromatics (I used cinnamon, star anise, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaf) before allowing to ready to be poured over washed blackberries on returning home. You can use more vinegar and less water to allow safe ambient storage but I like the balance of this recipe.
I use it in savoury dishes and desserts, also the left of pickle juice is great for drinks and dressings.
Dishes I like to use it on
– blackened beetroot, pickled blackberrries, olive oil, pickle juice, wood sorrel
– cous cous / freekah, pickled blackberries, coriander, lemon, olive oil
– whipped feta, pickled blackberries, clove root crumb, noble fir molasses
– medicinal mushroom brownie, pickled blackberries, bay leaf & beech leaf cheong
Blackberry Brandy
Blackberry shrub
Blackberry picklebacks
Pickled Blackberry & Noble Fir with soda (great non alcoholic drink)