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”To remedy this all you need is the assistance of fellow forager, Funghi nerd and super keen eye/embracer of environments, ecologies, people and wonderfulness

GeorgeFlavour Fred
We admired (and left) the young black uneven trumpet shapes with ever so slight ridges running down the stipe (stem) from the edge of the outside of the trumpet although tiny. It’s pretty hard to tell where the hollow stipe begins and cap stops before entering the ground… *pretty sure there’s a mouth piece with pursed lips and perfect embouchure for playing those trumpets (ok that’s not true*)

We admired (and left) the young black uneven trumpet shapes with ever so slight ridges running down the stipe (stem) from the edge of the outside of the trumpet although tiny. It’s pretty hard to tell where the hollow stipe begins and cap stops before entering the ground… *pretty sure there’s a mouth piece with pursed lips and perfect embouchure for playing those trumpets (ok that’s not true*)

We were in mainly beech but grows under other broad leaf trees and loves a bit of moss.

What do you want to see made with them? Sweet smokey deep umami woodsy and an excellent one once dried. Anyway I’ll be back in a few days and will make something with the handful that I gather.


Author george

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