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Collecting wild spices is a great and easy thing to do. My combination of spices worked excellently.

GeorgeFlavour Fred
The chicken of the woods was breaded & fried to serve with the sauce made in advance. For the sauce I used the wild spice mix below with carrot, ginger, chilli, onion and some of my fermented noble fir come molasses along with pontack sauce (aged elderberries with vinegar, red wine etc - see previous reels). Once cooked down I blitzed and passed for a smooth sauce.

WILD SPICE MIX (toasted)

Jack-by-the-hedge (#Alliariapetiolata) 35%

Alexander seeds (carrot family)* (#Smyrniumolusatrum) 10%

Hogweed seeds (carrot family)* (#heracleumsphondylium) 20%

Fennel seeds (carrot family)* (#Foeniculumvulgare) 25%

Clove-root aka wood avens (#Geumurbanum) 10%

It was truly wonderful and will do it again with slightly less Alexander’s seeds. A great example of spices available here in many hedgerows and wooded areas.

More videos to come over winter as I develop a

*These three are in the carrot family where there are dangerous plants some are deadly (Poison Hemlock, Hemlock water dropwort) and some you shouldn’t handle (Giant Hogweed & lots of the carrot family including common hogweed you shouldn’t handle in large quantities). As always if you haven’t researched them please do. Some have allergies you may not know about.


Author george

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