”We (@flavourfred & @basilsfungifarm) cloned a wild native oyster mushroom (#pleurotusostreatus) last year which has now started fruiting nicely. It’s a practice known as bio-prospecting (@mossycreekmushrooms) and we feel good cloning the local fungus so expect more this year.
GeorgeFlavour Fred
Anyhow for a wild mushroom dish here we have a shredded native oyster that’s had a deep umami hit and general & gloriousness from the summer cep (#boletusaestivalis) which I found the other week.
They weren’t in great quality so dehydrated for stock and reduced into a wonderful glaze that got folded back through the shredded oyster mushrooms. Ok this sounds great already…. What can make it better? Deep frying of course served on fermented wild garlic aioli with a boozy berry sauce made from my spent berries that I use for my booze infusions.