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When courgette is out of control i love making this lovely item to accompany many dishes

GeorgeFlavour Fred
Smokey Courgette Baba Ganoush!

Courgettes are abundant right now and they are fantastic alternative to aubergine for baba ganoush. It’s relatively simple as long as you can blister the skins on a bbq, open fire or in this case a @gozney pizza oven. 

Burning the skins allows the smokiness to penetrate the flesh whilst steaming and cooking the inside. Once soft the inside flesh can be scooped out, drained, then mixed with lemon juice, raw tahini and seasoning. 

It’s a great accompaniment to many other elements and here I used it with French beans with red onion, ezme salad and a rice salad. As well as at the start of the reel with salted summer fruits being gooseberry, blackcurrants and redcurrants.  All served up @thecastleclimbingcentre & @lydhurst on the weekend just gone with @tomerhauptman @emmacroman @castle_climbing_garden. Loved it and so very easy. Enjoy!


Author george

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